This made me miss my mom. She'll be gone 16 years this Dec. I can tell you that you never stop missing them but the happier thoughts and smiles from remembering all the "things" will outweigh the tears as the years pass by. I had a super young mom she was just shy of 19 when she had me. People used to mistake her for my sister for years. I thought that meant she'd be here with me living life for longer. But I lost her when she was 61. Sometimes I still get the urge to pick up the phone to just say "hey". We used to talk multiple times a day. I definitely miss her hugs the most. ❤️

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My mom died 27 years ago & I still silently talk to her all the time. still miss her..

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I wish I could give you a hug right now. I can only imagine the feelings - like there's a hole in your heart, that your heart may never repair the crack in it. But your mama is still in that spot in your heart - because of all the things you listed in your post. She's in your memories which keeps her alive. When something comes up that you would normally call her about, you'll hear her. You'll know what she would say.

Grief is hard and no one can replace a mama. Please know your bookish friends are here for you to listen anytime you need to do any of those things you listed. We love you and hold you in our hearts and prayers.

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I had a great mom. Probably not the best mom in the world, but she was up there. This is the first year in SEVERAL years that I haven't done a 30 Days of Thankfulness thing on Facebook, and my mom was ALWAYS in there somewhere. She taught me so many things, and absolutely fostered a deep love of reading. I had her for 59 years, and it will never have been enough days. And yet, she had a pretty good life with plenty of kids and grandkids and great grandkids and all of the friends of said kids who called her mom, even without a drop of blood shared. She was 93 when she passed, and her time snuck up on us when we weren't even looking. I am sad that I will never hear her voice on the phone or in person again, but she remains in my heart forever.

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Wow, this made me cry ugly tears. While my mom is still on this earth, she experienced a devastating illness and surgery over a year ago, and her life and personality haven't been the same since. Gone is the woman I have known all my life, and in her place is an often times angry lady who lashes out and says hurtful things that, were she in her "right mind", I know she would never utter. I see her say hurtful things to her grandchildren and take advantage of my sister, so I truly and very lovingly miss so many things about her. Thanks for reminding me that perhaps there are many memories and things about her that I can and should still cherish and hold on to, Adriana. She's still in there somewhere...

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I lost my mom 1 month ago and I really felt this 💜

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My mom will be gone for 46 years next Saturday. It makes me sad to realize that she has missed every major event in my life. I was only 13, when she died. I really miss having a Mom, and miss not having the relationship that you described so beautifully in this tribute to your Mom.

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I agree with Teri ~~ you'll never ever stop missing her or wishing you could talk to her or hear her laugh or a million other things about her. But.......eventually, and no one can tell you when cause we're all different in how we grieve, it will gradually get easier little by little, one day at a time. My mom has been gone for 20 yrs (my dad for 19) and I miss them every single day. And yes, I still talk to them sometimes when I'm feeling really down or dealing with hard issues. Your words were a beautiful tribute to her and your love for her. Hang in there girl, it does get better slowly but surely.

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I lost my dad February 8th of last year, so this hits me hard today. I think the thing I miss the most is his hugs. He gave the best hugs.

I'm sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way.

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Sending lots of love

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It’s been 3.5 years since I lost mine. The thing that gets me the most these days is when my 2.5 year old mentions Grandma. I know she doesnt understand or maybe she might.. but what I wouldnt give for one more hug or a you used to do that at that age because the conversation would totally be about this kid.. but I miss her all the time and some days is harder then others. Send you and the others in the comments love and hugs. 💕

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I lost my Mom when she was 47. It’s been 36 years and I can still relate to every word you wrote. The comment above is true - everything you wrote means that she lives on in your heart. Some days are hard, some are less hard but you continue because that’s what she would want for you. Feel blessed that she knew your boys - my Mom never met my husband or children. Sending virtual hugs ❤️ and know we will always read all your words.

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I don’t think you ever stop missing your Mom. ❤️

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Sending you big hugs, Addy 🧡🧡🧡

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Sending you a big squishy hug xx

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